Trix Academy
Michigan Educational Choice Center (MECC)
- Trix Academy
- Now Enrolling K-8 Families in Detroit
Trix Academy Family Press
It is unbelievable how 👟 fast this school year has gone. It's the 4th quarter of the school year already. Scholars and teachers have worked so 💪🏽 hard all year to make it to this point. 👏🏾 We are so proud of the work that scholars have been doing inside and outside the classroom. ⭐ As we look toward the finish line, it is imperative for ALL scholars to attend school daily. Missing days will hinder your scholar's ability to be focused and do well on all assessments. In school daily, we are working to equip scholars with the proper tools to feel comfortable and be successful on all assessments. 👓 Read 📰 all the latest happenings at Trix Academy in the Family Press!