Enter to Learn... Learn to Achieve!
Join us at Kids Care Elementary! We're now accepting new families for the 2025-26 school year. Click Enroll to get started today.
¡Únete a nosotros en Kids Care Elementary! Ahora estamos aceptando nuevas familias para el año escolar 2025-26. Haz clic para registrarte y comenzar hoy mismo.
Re-enroll at Kids Care Elementary today for the 2025-26 school year. Click to get started!
Join us on Wednesday, Feb. 26th for food, music, and scholar performances!
No school for staff or scholars on Monday, February 17th
Mark your calendars
IMPORTANT NOTICE: KCE will be closed, Friday, January 24th, Due to HVAC issues.
January 23rd
School Will Be Closed Today, Wednesday, January 22nd
Due to inclement weather, KCE is closed TODAY, Tuesday, January 21st.
Friday, January 17th
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Monday, January 20. Let's remember his commitment to life, liberty, and equality for all.
There will be no school for scholars from December 23rd - January 3rd. Happy Holidays to all!
We are excited to share the details of our upcoming Holiday Spirit Week with you!
Make the Holidays special for our KCE Scholars!
💡 Your contributions matter—help us make a difference!
Scholars who've met their testing goal or have 25 LiveSchool points may participate on Thursday, December 12th!
Father Figures & Male Role Models, join us at KCE on December 11th from 8:30-10:00 AM!