Kids Care Elementary
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Parent involvement provides our students with a wonderful learning environment. We greatly appreciate the time our volunteers assist us during the year.
You may be interested in volunteering on an on-going basis such as helping once a week in the classroom, or you may be interested in occasional volunteering such as helping with a class field trip.
Volunteers can sign up for any portion of timeframe that they are available, it does not have to be for the entire timeframe listed in each description. Also, volunteers do not have to perform all duties in the description, but they should share with the school what their limitations are so that their role and responsibilities are in place prior to volunteering.
Breakfast Aide (M-F; 7:30am-8:30am) Volunteers during breakfast will help supervise students while they eat. They will circulate throughout each table and assist students with opening their milk, peeling their fruit, opening their food wrappers, and throwing out their trash. Breakfast Aide Volunteers may also help clean up after the students’ finish their breakfast.
Asistente de Desayuno (L-V; 7:30am-8:30am) Los voluntarios durante el desayuno ayudarán a supervisar a los estudiantes mientras comen. Ellos circularán a través de cada mesa y ayudaran a los estudiantes a abrir su leche, pelar sus frutas, abrir sus envoltorios de comida y tirar su basura. Los voluntarios de Asistente de Desayuno también pueden ayudar a limpiar despues de que los estudiantes terminen su desayuno.
Lunch & Recess Aide (M-F; 11am-12:30pm) Volunteers during lunch will help supervise students while they eat. They will circulate throughout each table and assist students with opening their milk, peeling their fruit, opening their food wrappers, and throwing out their trash. Lunch Aide Volunteers may also help clean up after the students’ finish their lunch, and help supervise recess ensuring students play safely and escort students to and from the restroom.
Asistente de Almuerzo y Recreo (L-V; 11am-12:30pm) Los voluntarios durante el almuerzo ayudarán a supervisar a los estudiantes mientras comen. Ellos circularan a través de cada mesa y ayudarán a los estudiantes a abrir su leche, pelar sus frutas, abrir sus envoltorios de comida y tirar su basura. Los voluntarios del Ayudante de Almuerzo también pueden ayudar a limpiar despues de que los estudiantes terminen su almuerzo, y ayudar a supervisar el recreo, aseguando que los estudiantes jueguen con seguridad y escolten a los estudiantes hacia y desde el baño.
Classroom Aide (M-F; 8:15am-3:15pm) Volunteers in the classroom will help supervise students as they work independently. They will assist students with their classwork. Volunteers may also facilitate a work group. This could involve reading to the students, reading with the students, or helping the students practice a skill. Volunteers may also assist the teacher in preparing materials for classroom activities, or in preparing the classroom for activities.
Asistente de Aula (L-V; 8:15am-3:15pm) Los voluntarios en el aula ayudarán a supervisar a los estudiantes mientras trabajan de forma independiente. Lo harán a lo largo de cada mesa y ayudarán a lost estudiantes con su trabajo de clase. Los voluntarios también pueden facilitar un grupo de trabajo. Esto podriá implicar leer a los alumnos, leer con los alumnos o ayudar al alumno a practicar una habilidad. Los voluntarios también pueden ayudar al maestro a preparar los materiales para las actividades del aula o al preparar el aula para las actividades.