Dedicated to Excellence in Education
Join us at Eagles Nest Academy! We're now accepting new families for the 2025-26 school year. Click here to get started today.
¡Únete a nosotros en Eagles Nest Academy! Estamos aceptando nuevas familias para el año escolar 2025-26. Haz clic aquí para comenzar hoy mismo.
Re-enroll at Eagle's Nest Academy today for the 2025-26 school year. Click to get started!
Inscríbete de nuevo en Eagle's Nest Academy para el año escolar 2025-26. ¡Haz clic aquí para comenzar!
Due to inclement weather, school will be closed today Thursday, February 13th.
Please note the upcoming changes in schedule
Join us on February 20th for an exciting and educational adventure as we celebrate Africa’s rich history, diverse cultures, and vibrant traditions!
Due to inclement weather, school will be closed today Thursday, February 6th.
ENA School Closure - Thursday, January 23rd
Due to inclement weather, ENA will be closed on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Monday, January 20. Let's remember his commitment to life, liberty, and equality for all.
Give a warm welcome to Principal Dr. Tara Reid!
ENA School Closure - Friday, December 20th
ENA is on a lock down by the request of the local police department. There is no immediate danger for the campus.
There will be no school for scholars from December 23rd - January 3rd. Happy Holidays to all!
ENA School Closure - Thursday, December 5th
There will be no school for scholars or staff Nov. 27th-29th
Mark your calendars, ENA Families! Count Day is Wednesday, October 2nd and we need all scholars present at school that day.
Families, please join us on September 19th from 4-6 PM for our Open House and Parent-Teacher Conference Event! Come explore ENA and meet your scholar's teachers. We can't wait to meet you!
Authorized by Grand Valley State University and managed by Phalen Leadership Academies