DCP Redford
Where your child will be safe, protected, cared for and nurtured in an atmosphere that rewards learning, self-respect and dignity.
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- The Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting section provides the opportunity for Discovery Creative Pathways to communicate with our community how we utilize the resources provided to us. The legislation represents an amendment to the State School Aid Act (Public Act 94 of 1979) and requires each Michigan school district and intermediate school district to post the following information on its website.
Fiscal Year Board Approved Budgets
The Discovery Creative Pathways budget is adopted by our Board of Directors no later than June 30 of each year. This budget is posted on the website within 15 days of adoption. Any subsequent budget amendments are also posted within 15 days of adoption.2024-2025
Personnel Expenditures
Operating Expenditures
Current Bargaining Agreements
The District does not have any collective bargaining agreements for the fiscal year.Employer Sponsored Health Care Plans
This section links to summaries of current health care plans offered to employees of Discovery Creative Pathways.Audited Financial Statements
The most recent financial audit can be viewed below. Audits for previous years can be viewed at the MDE Office of Audits website by following the link provided.Procurement Policy
Expense Reimbursement Policy
Employee Compensation Information
- Calendar Year List of Qualifying Employee(s)
Accounts Payable Check Register
District Paid Association Dues
Dues and fees paid with district funds are limited to professional associations. Membership in professional associations provide added opportunities, resources, continuing education, and professional development of district employees.-
- HW - Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA) - 2023 Membership Fees - $2,870.00
- HW - MOR - Membership Fees - $250.00
- Redford - Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA) - 2023 Membership Fees - $2,870.00
District Paid Lobbying Costs
Discovery Creative Pathways does not participate in lobbying or utilize any lobbying services.Approved Deficit Elimination Plan
Discovery Creative Pathways has not incurred a deficit and is not under a deficit elimination plan.District Credit Card Information
The District currently does not issue credit cards to staff members.
District Paid Out-Of-State Travel Information
- The district did not have any Out of State Travel expenses in 2022 - 2023
Educator Evaluation Systems Postings and Assurances
Other Transparency Information
Continuity of Learning:
Annual Education Reports:
Title IX
DCP Charter Contract
After surveying the stakeholders, having board meetings and asking meaningful questions, We were guided to use ESSER III funds for the following purposes:
- Free Summer School
- Learning Loss of students during the pandemic
- Preventative measures to keep our schools safe from spreading the pandemic
- Continued Interventions in ELA and Math
- Keep class sizes small with qualified teachers
We will use ESSER III funding to strategically address pandemic-related learning loss in our scholars, especially those disparately impacted by COVID-19. This will include providing Tier II, small-group tutoring to our scholars; providing data-driven extended learning time programming in the summer; providing additional social-emotional programming to support scholars in making a successful transition to in-person instruction; providing our educators with staff development and retention opportunities, and more.
Our emphasis on utilizing small-group, differentiated instruction for every scholar in the classroom allows us to identify at-risk scholars most significantly impacted by the pandemic, and target data-driven interventions to support their academic success. Our teachers will implement regular, rigorous, standards-aligned formative and benchmark assessments to monitor student progress and to identify students who may be at risk of academic failure due to pandemic-related learning loss. We will use state assessments; interim assessments tied to state standards; adaptive learning quizzes that target specific standards; and qualitative data to identify scholar needs in real-time. Consistent evaluation of student performance and progress will allow us to ensure high quality instruction that is personalized to each scholar’s unique needs. The data we gather from frequent year-round assessments will empower our educators to implement evidence-based interventions in real-time to address any learning gaps for each scholar throughout the school year. More specifically, we will implement the following datadriven instructional strategies to support scholars who are underserved or disparately impacted by COVID-related learning loss: maximized learning time on-task and on core subjects; differentiated, small-group instruction; data-driven instruction; targeted, evidence-based interventions to meet the learning needs of scholars with deficits (Catch Up) and those that need challenged beyond on-grade level (Move Up) including additional, Tier II, small-group tutoring; research-based and standards aligned curricula; and instructional tasks with higher order, complex thinking.
NOTE: Prior to July 1, 2023, Discovery Creative Pathways was managed by Distinctive Schools and previously known as Distinctive College Prep